Recipe Wild garlic pesto

Recette pesto d'ail des ours dans Terrine Le Parfait Super
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  • 200 g wild garlic leaves
  • 30 g pine kernels
  • 30 g white almonds
  • 7 g fleur de sel
  • 150 g olive oil
  • 2 pinch good pepper (wild Madagascar pepper, for example)
  • 30 g Parmesan (optional)

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1. Pick the bear's garlic leaf by leaf and remove only what you need.
2. Wash the leaves quickly and spin dry in a salad spinner.
3. Dry-roast the pine nuts and almonds in a frying pan.
4. Cut the leaves and place in the blender with the pine nuts, almonds, salt, pepper and olive oil. Add the Parmesan.
5. Blend to a purée. Place in a jar.

The pesto will keep for several days in the fridge.

Recipe suggested by Paule Masson for Le Parfait.

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1 comment

Peut on stériliser ce pesto ?
Si oui , quel durée à quelle température
Bien à vous


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