It's possible to eat organic on a small budget. Choose seasonal vegetables!

How do you make a good seasonal recipe? With seasonal produce, of course! Winter vegetables, autumn recipes, spring vegetables or summer fruit, reducing your food budget is easy: when it's in season, it's cheaper.

Buying a vegetable when it's in peak season has nothing but advantages, believe us. Firstly, it's tastier and fresher. Secondly, you can go to the market and buy a basket of seasonal vegetables from small local producers: not only is it better for the environment because the produce hasn't been shipped all the way from the other side of the world, it's also often cheaper and helps the micro-economy. What's more, you can put a face and a name to the producer.

It also means you can eat healthily: no preservatives, no gelling agents... nothing has been added so you can enjoy the vegetables! Then, as the year progresses, you'll be able to discover new products. Have you heard of crosne, for example? No ? Then run and find out! Yes, it's by eating fresh fruit and vegetables that you'll rediscover the real pleasure of eating. And don't forget to check the food calendar to make sure you're eating seasonal produce!

See our sections :

Seasonal fruits and vegetables

All the recipes

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