For your preserves, take a close look at the seasonal produce calendar

Looking for culinary advice? For a balanced meal, cook the right seasonal produce yourself. But remember to keep a close eye on the food calendar, as the season for certain fruits can be very short. Even if you can find cherries in December, believe us, they're not in season.

You think fresh produce is more expensive? Think again! A basket of seasonal vegetables is not expensive, simply because it's in season. A little culinary advice: go to agricultural cooperatives, producers' associations or pick-your-own. The fruit is fresh and minimally processed, and what's more, you'll be supporting the small producers in our regions. Whether it's autumn or summer fruit, eating in season will help you reduce your household food budget and be good for your health.

Thanks to canning, you can eat out-of-season products that you have previously preserved. That's how you can enjoy them all year round! And when it comes to flavour, there's nothing better than preserving seasonal recipes in a Le Parfait glass jar! Trust us: the taste of the fruit is unbeatable when you eat it or store it at the right time. The same goes for exotic fruits, which also have their seasons. To find out when exotic fruit is in season, go to the seasonal fruit and vegetables calendar.

See our sections :

Seasonal fruits and vegetables

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