Recipe Monkfish Terrine

Do you want diet menus based on lean fish? This monkfish liver terrine is a healthy recipe that is sure to charm your palate.

Conserve de foie de lotte de mer
Preparation time:
15 min + 15 min soaking
Heat treatment time:
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Number of persons: 4
  • 200 g bacon lardons
  • 900 g monkfish
  • ½ glass white wine
  • 20 g butter
  • 12 pearl onions
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • Herbs


Recommended products

We recommend: Jars Le Parfait Super > Jar - 0,25 l (Diameter : 70)


  1. Wash, gut and cut the monkfish into pieces.
  2. In a large pan, brown the bacon and onions, then remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
  3. Sear the monkfish in the same pan. Add the wine, stock cube, herbs and the browned bacon and onions. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. 
  4. Fill the jars, seal tightly and proceed immediately to the heat treatment, 45 minutes at 100°C. Before serving, warm up the terrine on a low heat, and mix in a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of butter.


History has it that…. Monkfish is a common fish in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. It grows to a length of approximately one metre, with a disproportionally large head and a scale-less brown body. It's a fish so ugly that it is sometimes called “sea toad” or “sea devil” and in the past, monkfish caught by fishermen were thrown back in sea as their repulsive looks resembled monsters bringing bad luck. However, its delicate and firm meat makes it a real delicacy for fish lovers. 

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C’est super bon et j’ai donné la recette à ma poissonnière qui ne connaissait pas !


Parfait comme explication et simple et délicieux


Parfait comme explication et simple et délicieux


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