Recipe Orange jam with Grand Marnier

Grandmas always knew how to delight us! This tasty orange jam recipe is part of the tradition of the delicious dishes that they prepare with love. And you want a grandmother's tip to make it even better? Take untreated oranges!

Confiture d'orange au Grand Marnier
Preparation time:
40 min
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Number of persons: Several
  • 1.5 kg of untreated oranges
  • 1 kg of gelling sugar
  • 3 cl of Grand Marnier

Recommended products

We recommend: Jam Jars Le Parfait > Jam jar - 324 ml (Diameter : 82)


  • Select 2 beautiful oranges, clean them then collect the zest with a peeler. Immerse the orange zest in gently simmering water and leave for 30 minutes. Cool them by soaking them in cold water, drain them and cut them into thin strips.
  • Peel all the oranges completely, without leaving any white skin, roughly cut them over a container, and collect 1kg of flesh and juice, without seeds or membranes.
  • Mix the flesh and its juice with the orange zest and sugar then cook for 7 minutes over high heat from boiling. Check the cooking by pouring a few drops onto a cold plate then tilting the plate. The orange jam should flow slowly.
  • Just before the end of cooking your orange jam recipe, add the Grand Marnier and mix.
  • skim then proceed without delay to place in jars, close with the lids, turn them over for 1 minute, then put them right side up to let them cool.

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