Recipe Kimchi

Kimchi is the traditional Korean dish par excellence! A tasty blend of cabbage, white radish and leeks to ferment before eating. In no time at all, you'll be enjoying all their nutritional benefits. Get your jars ready!

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Preparation time:
40 minutes
Shelf life:
1-2 years
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Number of persons: Several

1 Chinese cabbage or 1 white cabbage, or pak choi

10 g salt, neither iodized nor fluoridated

100 g white radish

1 spring onion

1 leek

1 clove garlic

15 g ginger

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 tablespoon fish sauce

20 g Korean chili powder

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We recommend: Jars Le Parfait Super > Jar - 1 l (Diameter : 85)


1.Before you start, we invite you to read our instructions for use section to find out everything you need to know about the fermentation process!
2.Remove the first few damaged leaves from the cabbage. Do not rinse.
3.Cut the leaves into sections and mix with the salt in a container. Leave to stand for 20 min.
4.Meanwhile, prepare the seasoning, peel and chop the radish and spring onion, and julienne the leek. Chop the garlic, peel the ginger and cut into sticks.
5.Mix all these ingredients with the soy sauce, fish sauce and hot pepper. Leave to stand for 10 minutes at room temperature.
6.Alternate layers of cabbage and other ingredients in the jar. Press down firmly to eliminate air pockets.
7.Leave to ferment for 1 week at room temperature (placing a container under the jars in case of overflow), then store ideally at cellar temperature. Use after 1 week for a milder taste, 2 weeks for more acidity.

Recipe suggested by Marie-Claire Frédéric for Le Parfait.

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