Recipe Lemon, lime and mint jam

Do you find citrus jams too bitter? Not this one! Hurry to try our sweet lemon and lime jam and its bouquet of fresh mint. This is a recipe idea that will amaze your guests!

Confiture citron, citron vert et menthe
Preparation time:
30 min + 1 night of rest
Shelf life:
Between 6 and 8 months
Community rating:


Number of persons: Several
  • 1 kg of untreated yellow lemons
  • 600 g of untreated lime lemons
  • 1 kg of blond cane sugar
  • 1 bunch of fresh mint

Recommended products

We recommend: Jam Jars Le Parfait > jam jar - 324 ml (Diameter : 82)


  • The day before, cut the small yellow lemons and limes into thin slices and place them in a salad bowl. Pour in the sugar. Leave to macerate overnight without stirring.
  • Then place the fruit mixture in the jam basin and cook for 45 minutes at a low boil.
  • Finely chop the bunch of mint and add it to the lemon jam at the end of cooking before putting it in jars. Stir everything well.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking this citrus jam, immerse the empty jars in a large saucepan of boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain and dry them. Fill the jars with the still hot jam. Close them and immediately turn them upside down for 1 minute then turn them right side up to let them cool.

Excerpt from the book Homemade “Jars, compotes and jams” from Hachette Cuisine editions

Photographer: Philippe Vaurès-Santamaria

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