Recipe Kiwi Jam

Perfect green jam to change from reds and oranges! Spread it without hesitation for breakfast or even to garnish your desserts. Did you know that kiwi is richer in vitamin C than orange?

Confiture de Kiwis
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  • 2 kg (4 ½ lbs) Kiwis
  • Vanilla Sugar
  • White Sugar (half the weight of the kiwis)
  • Fresh Lemon juice & Lemon peel
  • Fresh Orange juice (1 orange) & Orange peel
  • Powdered Agar

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We recommend: Jam Jars Le Parfait > Jam jar - 324 ml (Diameter : 82)


  1. Prepare your jars by washing them in hot, soapy water and letting them air dry.
  1. Peel the kiwis (this is the longest part!)
  2. Cut the kiwis into pieces, place in a large, heavy based saucepan, add the lemon juice, vanilla sugar, white sugar, orange juice and peel, lemon peel.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Puree in a blender. Add the powdered agar, keep simmering for 5 more minutes.
  5. Dab a spoonful of hot jam on a cold plate. If your jam runs gently without being too liquid, it’s a success!
  6. Skim the foam off and pour into the jar.

If you are using Le Parfait Jam Jars, screw on the lid and turn the jar upside down right away – this process is called self-pasteurisation.  If you are using Le Parfait Jars or Terrines, proceed immediately with the heat treatment, 20 minutes at 100°C (212°F).

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1 comment

Excellente recette ….voila la troisième année que je la fais avec toujours autant de réussite !


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