Recipe Vanilla Rose Syrup

Sirop de rose à la vanille
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  • A handful of rose petals
  • 100 mL rosewater
  • White sugar
  • 2 vanilla pods

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  1. In a bowl, muddle the rose petals and rosewater into a paste.
  2. Take the 2 vanilla pods and split them down the middle.
  3. In 2L Le Parfait jar, mix 3 cups of sugar with 3 cups of hot water and stir.
  4. Just as the sugar has almost fully dissolved, add the vanilla pods and rose paste and continue to stir.
  5. Seal the jar and let it sit for 1-2 days. 
  6. Strain the syrup and store in a clean Le Parfait jar. 

Devised by B.Y.O.C. bar

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