Recipe Rose Jelly

Making jams, you know. But have you ever tried a homemade rose water jelly recipe? This original recipe, champion of the artisanal cuisine of yesteryear, will undoubtedly charm you with its tempting smell.

Gelée de Roses
Preparation time:
1h + 12h of maceration
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Number of persons: Several
  • 500g rose petals
  • 750 g of sugar cubes
  • 3 untreated lemons
  • Preparation spread over 2 days

Recommended products

We recommend: Jam jars Le Parfait > Jam jar - 324 ml (Diameter : 82)


  • Choose untreated garden roses. Cut the white base of the petals with scissors, as this part gives bitterness.
  • Place the petals in a container. Sprinkle them with 50 cl of cold water. Leave them to macerate for 12 hours.
  • The next day, in a jam basin, bring 15 cl of water to the boil with the sugar and the juice of a lemon. Cook until the syrup reaches a temperature between 105 and 107°C.
  • Then add the petals with the maceration water and the juice of 2 lemons. Let the rose water cook for 35 to 40 minutes, stirring often.
  • Check the cooking by carrying out the cold plate test. Pour a few drops onto a cold plate, tilt the plate and the jam should flow slowly.
  • Finally, pour the jam into the Le Parfait jam jars, close them and turn them for 1 minute. Then put them right side up to let them cool.

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