Recipe Rhubarb chutney

Chutney de rhubarbe
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For 6 people

  • 3 lbs. (1,362 g) rhubarb
  • 2 lbs. (1,000 g) brown sugar
  • 1 lbs. (500 g) onions
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1 lbs. (500 g) apples
  • 1 tsp. allspice
  • 1/2 pint (284 ml) water
  • 1 tsp. ground cloves
  • 1/2 lb. (227 g) raisins and dried fruit
  • 1 tsp. curry powder
  • 3/4 pint (426 ml) apple cider vinegar
  •  2 tsp. Salt

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  1. Wash rhubarb and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel and chop the onion into small dice.
  3. If using apples (either fresh or frozen), chop and combine with onion, rhubarb and water in a large pan. Cook until soft.
  4. Turn off the heat and then add the raisins, vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices, Stir over a low heat until the sugar is dissolved.
  5. Bring to a simmering point and continue cooking until the chutney thickens stirring all the time.
  6. Stand sterilized jars on a wooden base or cloth. Fill jars with a jug, over a small plate, up to the top. Use a knife to get rid of air bubbles.
  7. Cover with a wax disc and vinegar proof lid. Store in a dry place. Try to keep for one month for spices to mature.
Recipe by Margaret aka Mama Bentley :

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