Recipe Pear, ginger and cardamom compot

The sweetness of pears, the benefits of ginger, the virtues of aromatic plants... Find all this in this recipe for homemade pear compote flavored with spices.

Compote de poires, gingembre et cardamome en conserve
Preparation time:
15 min
Heat treatment time:
40 min
Shelf life:
12 months
Community rating:


Number of persons: Several
  • 1 kg of pears
  • 2 pieces of candied ginger
  • 3 cardamom capsules
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoon of acacia honey

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  1. Wash and peel the pears. Cut them into large 3 cm chunks. Very thinly slice the candied ginger (preferred over fresh ginger).
  2. To cook the pears, place them, along with the ginger, cardamom and honey in a large saucepan, and cook over medium heat for 25 minutes. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to prevent the compote from sticking.
  3. After cooking, remove the cardamom.
  4. Pour your homemade pear compote into jars and immediately proceed with the heat treatment for 40 min at 100 °C.


From the book "Bocaux, compotes et confitures" published by Hachette Cuisine
Photographer : Philippe Vaurès-Santamaria

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