Recipe Mint jelly

It's not often that you find a recipe with mint, but it's so easy, and mint is the medicinal plant par excellence. You can use this beneficial jelly in your desserts, for example as a topping for shortbread. You can also use it to give your meats an Anglo-Saxon flavour. Enjoy!

Gelée de menthe
Preparation time:
30 min
Community rating:


Number of persons: Several
  • A bunch of mint with around 100 leaves
  • 1 kg jelly sugar

Recommended products

We recommend: Jam Jars Le Parfait > Jam jar - 324 ml (Diameter : 82)


  • Infuse the mint leaves in 1.2 litres of boiling water for 30 minutes.
  • Filter and recover 1 litre of juice.
  • Pour the juice and sugar into a jam pan and bring to the boil. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Check that the jam is cooked by pouring a few drops onto a cold plate and then tilting the plate. The jam should run gently.
  • Skim off any excess and immediately pour into the jars. Close the jars and turn them upside down for 1 minute. Then put them upright to cool.

NB: also works with thyme, verbena, etc.

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