Recipe Chocolate and sesame spread

Recette pâte à tartiner chocolat/sésame dans bocal Le Parfait Super
Preparation time:
30 min
Shelf life:
3 months without heat treatment, max. 1 year if heat treated
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Number of persons: Several
  • 135 g sesame
  • 30 g water
  • 60 g caster sugar
  • 75 g icing sugar
  • 85 g dark chocolate
  • 15 g whole milk powder
  • 1 pinch flower of salt
  • 2 tablespoons neutral oil

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1. Weigh out the sesame seeds and lay a sheet of baking paper flat on your work surface.
2. Heat the water and caster sugar in a pan. When the mixture starts to bubble, add the sesame seeds and stir. Cook until the seeds caramelise, 5 to 10 minutes. Stir occasionally until the colour is darker and the texture crispier.
3. Pour the seeds onto the baking paper and leave to cool. The seeds will clump together. Blend the cooled seeds in a mixer to obtain a powder.
4. Add the icing sugar, milk powder and fleur de sel. Blend and add the oil. The mixture should become pasty. Add more oil if the mixture is too dry.
5. Melt the chocolate in the microwave (25 seconds several times) or in a bain-marie, then add the chocolate mixture to the mixer. Blend until the mixture is smooth and the texture suits you.
6. Without heat treatment, this spread will keep for 2 to 3 months in the cupboard. For longer storage, you can heat treat for 1 hour at 100°C.

Recipe suggested by Appetia for Le Parfait.

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Chocolate Spread

1 comment

Je vais essayer d’en faire pour goûter si bon j’adopterais cette recette.jutilise beaucoup vos beaucoup car je fais des concerves de pâté de gibier très utile merci pour ces recettes bonne journée madame Desseigne

Fabienne Desseigne

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