Recipe Brussels sprouts

Naturally, Brussels sprouts will offer you all their nutritional virtues: vitamins, mineral salts, all this with very few calories, the best. Very important, to avoid the inconvenience for which it is famous, wash the cabbages well in several waters. This helps remove the sulfur it contains. You will then be able to benefit only from their benefits. Finally, washed well, they are really cute!

Choux de Bruxelles au naturel
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Preparation time:
around 30 min
Heat treatment time:
45 min
Shelf life:
12 months
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Number of persons: Several
  • 450g Brussels sprouts
  • Mineral/filtered water
  • 5g salt

Recommended products

We recommend: Jars Le Parfait Super > Jar - 0,25 l (Diameter : 70)


  1. Wash the sprouts and remove any damaged outer leaves.
  2. Wash your jar with hot soapy water and leave to dry.
  3. Fill the jar with sprouts gradually to ensure you fit in as many as possible. Make sure that the sprouts are at least 4 cm from the rim of the jar as the sprouts tend to get larger when they absorb the water and you want them to be immersed in water after sterilisation.
  4. Add salt then fill the jar with water, 2cm from the rim.
  5. Sterilise for 1 hour.

Serving suggestion:
Drain and cut the sprouts in half and simply gently fry in a pan with butter. You could add fresh ginger or smoked pancetta and cooked quince. You can discard the juice as it is rather strong however some say drinking it is very good for helping the body "detox".

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