Recipe Aphrodite Jam

Are you planning a romantic meal with your other half? Candles, tablecloths and flowers? Also place pretty pots of color on the table: an aphrodisiac mixture made up of orange zest and fresh ginger!

Confiture d'Aphrodite
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  • 3 kg of oranges
  • 1 kg of gelling sugar (1.2 kg of caster sugar or crystallized sugar)
  • 50 g of powdered ginger

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We recommend: Jam jars Le Parfait > Jam jar - 324 ml (Diameter : 82)


1. Remove the zest from 2 of the best oranges. Cook the zests thus obtained for 15 minutes in gently simmering water then cool them by immersing them in cold water. drain and cut the zest into thin strips, reserve.
2. Peel the oranges, removing the white parts, cut them into pieces, remove the seeds and membranes and weigh 1.2kg.
3. Mix the flesh, orange zest, sugar and fresh ginger in your jam basin and bring to the boil.
4. From this moment, count the cooking time: 7 minutes with jam sugar, otherwise 20 to 30 minutes. Maintain boiling and stir often.
5. Check the cooking by pouring a few drops onto a cold plate then tilting the plate. The orange jam should flow slowly.
6. Skim off this aphrodisiac mixture and proceed without delay to potting it. Close then place the jars upside down for 1 minute, then put them back upright to let them cool.

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