Recipe Elderflower cordial by Estelle & Vincent

Sirop de fleurs de sureau par Estelle & Vincent
Preparation time:
2 days
Shelf life:
3 months
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  • 150g Elderflower heads or about 15 heads depending on their size
  • 750 ml water
  • 2 unwaxed lemons, zest and juice
  • 500g white caster sugar

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Day one
1) Venture out to harvest your elderflowers. Do not pick the ones alongside the road as they may be polluted with car fumes. It is best to pick flowers when they just start to bloom. If you wait too long their perfume will turn into a strong unpleasant “cat’s pee” smell.

2) Wash the flower heads under cold water to remove little creatures. Allow to dry on a clean cloth

3) Bring the water to the boil and in a large bowl pour over the sugar and lemon. Give it a good mix to dissolve the sugar.

4) Once the mixture is cool, using scissors, add the elderflowers: select only the tiny flowers and avoiding the stalks. Add the lemon juice and give it a good stir. Ensure the flowers are well immersed. Cover with cling film directly on top of the flowers and leave it to infuse for 24 hours at room temperature.




Day two
1) Drain the cordial into a pan through a colander first, and then through a muslim cloth. You will obtain approximately one litre of cordial.

2) Wash and sterilise your jar in the oven for 10 minutes at 230F, boil the lids.

3) Bring the cordial to the boil for 1 minute with the lid on to avoid too much evaporation, and pour it immediately into the jars. Seal and turn them upside down, like you would do when making jam. When the jars are cool turn them back into the upright position for storage.

Serving suggestion:
The whole family will enjoy this delicious summery cordial mixed to taste with approximately 5 parts of still or sparkling water. Mix it with Champagne, create a cool cocktail with gin or vodka, add cucumber, or mint or grapefruit, the possibilities are endless! Using in a dessert: Whip some whipping cream with a few dashes of the cordial to create an exquisite Chantilly to serve with strawberries.

Estelle & Vincent

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